Member Benefit
Display ATA logo on website, business cards, and promotional materials
Listing on ATA website and in ATA Membership Directory
Showcase products and services at ATA and partner events in the US and across Africa
Share news in ATA Passport to Africa newsletter and digital platforms
Members-only advertising rates in select ATA and partner publications
Strategic marketing consultation and support (varies by member level)
Member Benefit
Meet Africa’s top tourism experts including: Ministers, National Tourism Boards, and leading executives for Hotels, Airlines, Tour Operators, Travel Companies, and Travel Media
Establish relationship with travel professionals from different sectors
Select access to special events
Facilitation of meetings, trade missions, etc.
ATA special discounted rates at select industry travel shows

Member Benefit
Working Groups which inform, educate, and provide a platform to discuss issues within the tourism sector to destination attractions
Password-protected access to membership-only areas of ATA website with resources such as the ATA Knowledge Base
Access to Africa travel industry data, information, and news Access to commission content, webinars, curated industry insights
Professional development
Membership Levels
For Corporate & Destination Membership, please contact us via join@ataww.org.
Young Professional
Networking opportunities
Trade show exhibition access
Text listing in members-only directory
Discounts at ATA and partner travel shows
Facilitation of meetings, trade missions, etc.
Industry information and insights
Access to webinars
Access to ATA & Partner events
(Must <25 years old or a student to join at this level)